Philippines – National YouFra Gathering

National YouFra Gathering was held from 21 st  to 24 th  of May, 2019 in the Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception, Baybay City. More than 150 YouFra members from 9 regions participate in a rich program that helps YouFra members from all the Philippines to meet each other.

This meeting helps to strength fraternal love between YouFra members accompanying by spirituals assistant and fraternal animator. National YouFra Gathering started with Holy Eucharistic and worshiping. Next day’s YouFra members participate in various lectures and workshops that helped them to see real situation surrounding them.

During the Gathering there was also time for Pilgrimage and sightseeing. My intersection of Almighty God, Blessed Mary and Saint Francis of Assisi follow all YouFra members, fraternal animators and spiritual assistants in service.

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