Donations for the 3rd YouFra International Assembly

Dear brothers and sisters,

In August 2022 the Franciscan Youth will hold its third International Assembly in Mexico City, this assembly is held every 6 years. This is the highest International Body of the YouFra, which makes important decisions, like the OFS General Chapter.

To celebrate the Assembly, the International Delegate of each Constituted YouFra National Fraternity is summoned, or, in his absence, the National Fraternity elects a substitute to represent them with the right to voice and vote.

For our 3rd International YouFra Assembly we have chosen the motto:

“Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society”

Some Fraternities do not have the necessary financial resources to send their representative, for this reason today we turn to all of you brothers and sisters of the OFSYouFra, to request a donation to support our brothers and sisters who cannot complete in full the expenses required to make the trip to Mexico.

To make your donation you can go to the “Donate/pay” section on the official website of CIOFS (, Please, remember to indicate that the donation is for the 3rd International YouFra Assembly. An example is attached for those who do not yet know the CIOFS digital platform. 

Let us pray together that our International Assembly may be held and that all our participating brothers and sisters may live an experience that motivates them to continue to make fraternity come to life in each of their countries. 

A hug from Guatemala,

Felix Chocojay 
International Coordinator of YouFra 

1 thought on “Donations for the 3rd YouFra International Assembly”

  1. Thanks for such inspirational assembly. We in Tanzania are not yet international member. We will be having our National Assembly and general election 2022 to 2025 start date 12-16 December 2022 kindly pray for us.

    My name is Br John Cornel Sulle OFMCap currently serving as national Spiritual animator

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