Holy Week 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are living an Easter that we have never experienced before. The majority of us cannot go to the churches to celebrate the passion and the resurrection of the Lord.

In order to help our sisters and brothers, the Conference of the General Spiritual Assistants has translated an excerpt from the documetn of the Bishops’ Conference of Italy, that can help the families in the Easter celebrations at home. This supporting document is not substituting the online participation at the celebrations broadcasted in the variuos media, but completes it, offering the possibility to come together in the families and let Christ enter into the family life also during thesse Holy three days.

Thanks to the General Spiritual Assistants for taking so much care of the spiritual good of our sisters and brother.

I know that in many countries and in many dioceses the bishops have prepared something similar. However, I hope that this will help many of you.

I wish you all a blessed holy Easter.

Tibor Kauser
CIOFS Minister General

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