Easter letter 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Easter is the feast of joy, when the joy of the resurrection fills our hearts with hope and gratitude. It is more important than ever to experience the depth of Easter and what is the true joy of Easter for us, when we look around in the world and see so many troubles around. Sometimes it looks right to ask: how can we discover the glory of God among so many difficulties? What is our duty? How can we find the joy of Easter?

Let us bring the good news to the world! Let our fraternities be the signs of this faith, hope and love, places of shining generosity of offering our services freely, places like the opened arms of Jesus welcoming and embracing everyone, places of deep prayerful spirit and places of prophetic visions of our Christian and Franciscan vocation!

I invite all of you to fix our eyes to the cross, which is the symbol of love: a sacrifice of love which endures until the death, and rises to eternal life so that everyone may have eternal life. This is the glory of God, and this is our hope.

I wish you all a blessed Easter!

Your brother and your minister

Tibor Kauser
CIOFS General minister

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