First Virtual Gathering of YouFra Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

On June 4th, 5th and 6th of 2021  the YouFra Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean region hold the 1st Virtual Meeting of the region under the slogan “We are protagonists in a story of hope and brotherhood ”. More than 150 members of the different fraternities and guests from other regions, Spiritual Assistants, brothers from OFS and fraternal animators assisted on the meeting.

During the meeting, the previous face-to-face meetings were recalled, which have allowed further union as a region. Now, given the contingency, the realization of this virtual meeting also strengthen knowledge among the brothers, the fraternal coexistence, as well as enrichment in the formative part of the brothers with the different talks given by our brothers of the OFM Cap. “Sense of belonging ”by Fr. Antony Falcón OFM Cap. that was enriched by testimonies of our YouFra brothers and the talk on “how to live the Franciscan charism in the middle of the pandemic and together with technology ”by Fray Adán Gómez OFM, Cap. Both themes were of great enrichment in our work and work as young Franciscans in the real world.

The virtual meeting did not restrict us from dividing in small groups, play different games, having fun, as well as having different spiritual activities, how to join us in the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday and the realization of the Holy Hour.

All these activities were aimed at strengthening the sense of belonging and the commitment of young Franciscans transmitting the beauty of living the Gospel in service, obedience and brotherhood.

This meeting was a pleasant experience of meeting with God and with our brothers, to continue walking together, being protagonists and impregnating the Franciscan charism that characterizes us in our work and at the current world.


Judith del Rocío Vidales Tinajera.

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